The Clear Lake City Water Authority ( "CLCWA") and the Exploration Green Conservancy ("the Conservancy") have worked with numerous partners that have been instrumental in helping this project achieve tremendous success. Developing strong partnerships with individuals and organizations of all sizes has been essential. See below links for more information.
Plan your visit
What to do, see and learn
Hike/bike/roller blade six miles of ADA compliant trails along five lakes.
Scavenger Hunt
Bird Watch
Study Nature
Funding Partners
The CLCWA funded excavation of the storm water management lakes. The Conservancy secures funding for hike and bike trails, irrigation systems, and park-like amenities through the funding partners listed below. The initial grants enable the Conservancy to build its own sustainable fundraising to maintain Exploration Green ("the Green") into the future.
For a brief description about a partner's role in the Green, hover over its icon below. To visit its website, click the Visit Site link below its icon.
Advisory Partners
The Conservancy and CLCWA formed an expert team of award-winning partners to create Exploration Green. This team includes (non-profit) Galveston Bay Foundation, (landscape architect) SWA, and (engineers) Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. These organizations primarily contributed knowledge and expertise to create the state-of-the-art, multi-use asset for the Clear Lake Area.
For a brief description about a partner's role in the Green, hover over its icon below. To visit its website, click the Visit Site link below its icon.

Part of the CLCWA's mission is to prevent increased rainwater runoff due to new development and reduce current flooding where possible through effective and proven methods such as detention.
The CLCWA and its engineering consulting firm Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc., translated the conceptual SWA Architects master plan for the Green into engineering designs. The CLCWA acquires the appropriate permits and contracts the excavation of the stormwater detention lakes. The CLCWA constructs the basic infrastructure of the Green, including construction of reuse water mains that the the Conservancy will tap into for tree irrigation, and providing the reuse water.

The Galveston Bay Foundation ("GBF") holds the conservation easement for the Green. This document ensures the Green is protected from development forever. The GBF conducts periodic audits to ensure the CLCWA and the Conservancy conform to the terms and conditions of the easement. GBF has provided invaluable “start-up” guidance to the Conservancy and guidance for potential grants and advice of how to apply for grants. They ahve also provided volunteers and tools until the Conservancy could acquire tools and build its own volunteer base. GBF has serve as a “sounding-board” for many activities and actively participates as an advisor, exhibitor, or partner.

Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc. (LAN) serves as the CLCWA’s engineering contractor. LAN engineers translate the SWA conceptual master plan to engineering drawings to provide to the CLCWA and excavation contractors working on the Green.

SWA Architectural group developed the conceptual master plan for the Green. The plan laid out the location of the stormwater detention lakes including habitat islands, the approximate location of the hike and bike trails, the “cutaways” showing how the land slopes for to the trail level and then slopes down to the stormwater lakes. The master plan included artists renditions of the Green when completed, since there have been few projects to use for comparison. This master plan provided the CLCWA and the subcommittees a broad sense of the project goal.

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is a unique education agency with a statewide network of professional educators, trained volunteers, and county offices. It reaches into every Texas county to address local priority needs.
Sponsors Community Watershed Partners / Community Watershed Partners - Provides wetland plants and expertise

The Texas Community Watershed Partners ("TCWP") provides knowledge and tools to local governments and citizens about the impacts of land use on watershed health and quality in Texas. TCWP constructed an on-site wetland plant nursery on the Green under a grant from Texas A&M Sea Grant Extension. Wetland plant volunteers under the direction of TCWP staff propagate native wetland plants in the nursery. This provides a steady supply of wetland plants for the Green's stormwater detention lakes. TCWP staff coordinate planting events and have set up water testing to monitor effectiveness of the wetlands at removing contaminants as they flow through the Green.

The Gulf Coast Chapter and Galveston Bay Area Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists ("TMN") provide the Conservancy with volunteers, advice, and leadership. Several TMNs serve on the Conservancy Board, and one serves as the Green’s Land Steward. TMN monitor the Green's habitat, alerting the Board about issues such as emergence of invasive species. They also serve as team leads in the tree nursery and at tree planting events.

Texan by Nature (TxN) was founded in 2011 by Former First Lady Laura Bush. Their mission is to unite conservation and business leaders who believe Texas’ prosperity is dependent on the conservation of its natural resources. TxN recognized the Green as a 2020 Conservation Wrangler. The Conservation Wrangler program highlights the very best Texan-led conservation projects that demonstrate a positive Return on Conservation for people, prosperity, and natural resources. TxN supports six select innovative and transformative projects in the field of conservation every year for 12-18 months with tailored aid, resources, and visibility.

Community Partners
The Conservancy often turns to local businesses to sponsor events. This can involve
donating goods or services, providing goods or services at cost, or making financial donations to help make the event a success.
The Conservancy asks that, if you are in the market for the goods or services provided by our community supporters, you support these community partners through your patronage.
To visit awebsite, click the partner's image below.
Creating the Green’s 200-acre park and conservation area has been a major undertaking. Unlike city or county-owned parks, the Conservancy must raise all the funds for the amenities and services offered - native trees and grass, hike and bike trails, educational programs, and other infrastructure like park benches and signage.
Would you like to help? We are always looking for people and organizations to provide financial support for the Green!

Since our founding, the company has had a legacy of supporting land conservation in the U.S. Our environmental stewardship initiatives focus on large-scale wildlife and habitat conservation through partnerships with organizations such as the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation. We also focus on enhancing public green spaces, reforestation and environmental education, with such initiatives as our award-winning Apache Corporation Tree Grant Program.

City of Houston, District E has provided significant funding for Exploration Green hike and bike trails.
Houston Parks Department staff have provided knowledge and expertise for park creation.

We envision healthy lands, waters, native plants and animals supported with vibrant, thriving ecosystems throughout our beautiful state. We believe great things happen when organizations and funders work together for the highest good. We are a donor-advised fund comprised of a fund director, advisory committee, and fund administrator. Established in 2017 by G.P. “Buzz” Avery, in partnership with the Austin Community Foundation, we support nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is preserving natural habitats, especially those that are critically threatened.

The Galveston Bay Estuary Program, through its participation in the Texas Coastal Management Program, has provided funding for Exploration Green’s hike and bike trails.

Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner’s Office has provided significant funding for Exploration Green hike and bike trails.
Harris County Precinct 2 staff have provided knowledge and expertise for park creation.
"At H-E-B, our commitment to sustainability is personal. That’s because for more than 115 years, we’ve been guided by a responsibility to take care of the communities where we live and work. This means we embrace sustainable practices across our business, from the latest innovations in recycling and conservation to the eco-friendly products on our shelves. This not only creates savings that we pass on to our customers, it benefits our employees and community partners as well as protects our treasured Texas land, air, and water for future generations."

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), through its participation in the Texas Coastal Management Program, has provided funding for Exploration Green’s hike and bike trails.

We invest in nature conservation and biodiversity because we respect and value their influence in our daily lives. We believe that community residents deserve equal access and proximity to nature’s beauty. Early education and immersion in nature are particularly valuable for underprivileged youth as they develop a sense of place and belonging.

Texas Parks & Wildlife has been the primary provider of grants for Exploration Green hike and bike trails, and tree irrigation systems to ensure young trees survive until they become established.
Texas Parks & Wildlife staff have also provided knowledge and expertise on wildlife and plant matters.

The Texas Coastal Management Program (CMP), through its partner organizations listed below, has provided significant funding for Exploration Green’s hike and bike trails.

The Texas General Land Office (GLO), through its participation in the Texas Coastal Management Program, has provided funding for Exploration Green’s hike and bike trails.

Trees for Houston has committed to providing 1,000 native trees for each of the five phases of Exploration Green, 5,000 trees total. These replace and increase the number of trees on Exploration Green following stormwater detention lake excavation. Trees for Houston has provided additional supplies. Trees for Houston has also loaned their personnel and mechanical auger to dig holes in advance of tree planting events.